Clear-cutting for development in Langford.

Photo courtesy of the Metchosin Foundation; Alex Harris photographer

Rapid urban development in the West Shore, combined with intensifying impacts of climate change (drought, fire, flooding), pose threats to the health of Bilston Creek Watershed.

So do invasive species like gorse and American bullfrog.

Protection and recharging of groundwater is vital to a healthy watershed.

Aquifer 606 is a large bedrock aquifer that helps replenish creeks & streams in Bilston Creek Watershed. It is low-productivity and especially vulnerable to contamination from the surface (Kenny, “Aquifers of the Capital Regional District” 2004).

Green Stormwater Solutions

Recent scientific studies show that urban stormwater runoff containing toxic tire tread from cars can be lethal for Coho salmon.

What impact does it have on Coastal Cutthroat Trout and other aquatic species living in Bilston Creek Watershed?

The good news is that use of bioswales, rain gardens and other green stormwater tools are effective in protecting aquatic habitats from toxic pollution.

Click on the image above to learn more.

Source: Washington State Dept. of Ecology

Source: Washington State Dept. of Ecology

It’s not just a ditch.
It may be a stream or a creek that’s deserving of care.

Firehall and Pritchard Creeks are sometimes mistaken, sadly, for ditches.

Concerned about possible violations?