About Us

The Bilston Watershed Habitat Protection Association has been in existence for over 30 years, advancing stewardship of Bilston Creek, other surface creeks, streams and tributaries in the watershed, and groundwater health. The BWHPA was created in an effort to address concerns about the state of the fish population and fish habitat in Bilston Creek, once a thriving cutthroat trout waterway. 

Photo courtesy of Dylan Simpson

A small but dedicated group of volunteers, working with the BC Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks, conducted assessments of the fish population in the creek throughout the early '90s.  The alarming results showed that sections of the creek had no trout due to the poor water quality, which was mainly due to the effluent from a nearby plant.

A comprehensive report prepared in 1994 concluded that the mainstem of the creek could support an enhanced fish population once the water quality problems were remedied.  As a result, the BWHPA created and implemented a "Bilston Creek Enhancement Plan" which they have been using to this day to monitor both the fish populations and water quality as well as develop projects to enhance the sustainability of the creek and its tributaries, working alongside municipal and provincial employees, environmental groups, and other partners.

Throughout the years, our members have continued in their role as stewards, monitoring the health of the fish, creeks, and watershed, advocating for protection and preservation, conducting invasive plant removal and replanting along shorelines, and promoting sustainable development that enhances and protects the vital riparian environment.

Archival photos courtesy of Ian McKenzie

The members of the BWHPA are committed to ensuring that this beautiful area we live in flourishes for our lifetimes and for future generations.