Concerned about something you're seeing around a waterway or in a sensitive environmental area? 

If you see anything that could be a violation relating to:

·        Damage to fish and wildlife habitats

·        Protected or sensitive ecosystems

·        Construction activities (commercial or private) or development close to waterways

·        Damage to park areas or recreation trails

·        Removal of trees and plants in riparian areas

·        Dumping or discharge of polluting substances

1.   You can report a natural resource violation to the Ministry of Forests Compliance and Enforcement Branch by filling out the form through this link:

2.   You can call 1-877-952-7277 or #7277 on a cell phone (select option 2) to report violations to the Conservation Service Office.  The RAPP hotline (Report All Poachers and Polluters) allows you to make anonymous reports of known or suspected violations of without having to confront offenders, or fill out the RAPP violation form online:

3.    You can also send an email to the RAPR team (Riparian Areas Protection Regulation) at

4.   You can notify the Bylaw department of the municipality where the violation is happening.

·        City of Langford:  

Online form:

Call Bylaw at 250-474-0604 or 250-857-0400 (after hours for urgent matters)

Email Bylaw at

·        City of Colwood:

Online form:

Call Bylaw at 250-478-5999 local 146 or 119

Email Bylaw at

·        District of Metchosin:

Call Bylaw at 250-474-3167

Email Bylaw at

5.    You can report any damage to fish habitat to Fisheries and Oceans Canada (federal jurisdiction) by email at or by calling toll-free 1-800-465-4336

6.    For reports of  Environmental Emergencies, call 1-800-663-3456

This is a 24-hour number that connects to the Emergency Coordination Centre of Emergency Management BC.  Emergencies include hazardous or toxic spills, discharges and/or emissions, dike and dam failures, debris flows and floods.