past projects

We’ve taken on some major projects over the years to enhance our creeks and streams, and to protect the fish and wildlife that depend on them. Here are just a few:

Woodruff Road fish ladders

Constructing a fish ladder at the corner of Woodruff Road and Sooke Highway #14 to allow fish to swim beyond a small dam that went across the stream.

Scott’s pond

Building a deep pool as a refuge for any fish that didn’t migrate further downstream in an area of the creek which loses most of its water during the dry summer months.

Winter Road creek enhancements

Enhancing the creek bottom and banks with logs, rocks and replanting of native shrubs to stop the erosion that was disrupting spawning areas.

Firehall Creek improvements

Remediating an area of the creek that had become badly infested with invasive plants, and planting willows to provide shade and help reduce the water temperature.

Martin Brook enhancements

Rebuilding an upstream pond, dam, deepening and enhancing a creek channel and replanting on the creek banks to encourage successful fish migration and spawning through the area.

Building Riffles

Building riffles in creeks help to raise the level of the holding water upstream, increase the amount of oxygen in the water and reduce iron bacteria levels.

Archival information and photos courtesy of Ian McKenzie